
September 03, 2008

Embracing the winter.

For all of you that are embracing summer, won't make too much of a fuzz when you start reading this recipe, that I had encountered in a book by Alice Medrich, so I thought: why not give it a try? It's quite delicate and it makes a perfect dessert, no matter the season you're in, because you can eat two of them without even notice... it's your call, but I think that you HAVE to try it. It's easy, it's smooth and yummy!

here is the recipe:

Baked Bittersweet Mousse

Ingredients (makes approx 4 cups/6 serves)
170g bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
1/4 cup milk (or 1/2 cup heavy cream)
1 1/2 tbsp brandy, (or any other liquour that you like, mine was with cassis)
3 large eggs, at room temperature
3 tbsp caster sugar

1. Position rack in lower third of oven and preheat oven to 160 degrees C.

2. Place chocolate and milk or cream in a heatproof bowl, then place over a pot of barely simmering water (make sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water) and stir till the chocolate has almost completely melted, then remove the bowl and continue to stir till the liquid is completely smooth. If using a liquor, stir in at this stage.

3. In a seperate bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar till well blended, then use an electric mixer to beat the eggs at high speed for 3-4 minutes or till the eggs have a texture like softly whipped cream and are light and very fluffy.

4. Fold 1/4 of the eggs into the chocolate, then half the remaining eggs till almost blended. Fold in the remaining eggs till evenly incorporated and smooth. Divide among ramekins, then place ramekins in a high-sided baking tray.

5. Boil a kettle of water then fill the baking tray till water comes halfway up the sides of the ramekins, then bake till the centre of the mousses reads 70 degrees C (or just bake for about 15-18 minutes till the tops feel barely set). Remove from the oven and allow ramekins to cool for at least 10 minutes, then garnish with some raspberries or whatever you like.

Version en Español:

Mousse de chocolate horneada.

Se que la mayoria de las personas estan disfrutando de un hermoso verano, pues aqui todavia estamos en invierno asi que se que no le daran tanta importancia, pero se equivocan porque esta mousse es completamente liviana y suave y sirve para cualquier ocacion y temporada. Es el postre ideal para una cena, es muy delicada y tiene aroma a cassis... muy rica!

Aca va la receta:

Ingredientes (approx 6 porciones)
170g chocolate semiamargo, cortado en pedazos chicos
1/4 taza leche (or 1/2 taza de crema)
1 1/2 cdas brandy, (u otro licor que te guste, a los mios les puse licor de cassis)
3 huevos grandes, a temperatura ambiente
3 Cdas de azucar

1.Precalentar el horno a 160 C

2.Poner el chocolate y la leche o crema en un bowl a baño maria, (recuerda que la base del bowl no debe tocar el agua hirviendo) y con una cuchara de madera revuelve hasta que se haya derretido el chocolate, en este punto retira el bowl del baño maria y mezcla hasta que este bien homegeneo, incorporar el licor.

3. En otro bowl mezcla los huevos con el azucar por 3-4 minutos a velocidad alta o hasta que los huevos esten espumosos y tengan una textura similar a la de una crema batida.
4. Incorporar con movimientos envolventes 1/4 de los huevos al chocolate, luego la mitad y despues el resto de los huevos hasta que este bien mezclado. Dividir la mezcla en los moldes y colocarlos en una fuente profunda con agua hirviendo hasta la mitad de los moldes

5. Hornear hasta que el centro de las mousses lleguen a 70 C (o solo hornealos hasta que la superficie de los mismos este firme, alrededor de 15-18 minutos). Retirar del horno y dejar enfriar por 10 minutos, decora con unas frambuesas o como mas te guste.


Anonymous said...

We would like to feature your baked bitter-sweet mousse on our blog. Please email haleyglasco@gmail.com if interested. Thanks :)



Arlene Delloro said...

Oh, this looks soooooooooooo good. If I didn't need the house cleaned, I'd start it right now.

isabella said...

very good! and beautiful blog !

Anonymous said...

You have such gorgeous photos! This looks great!

Anonymous said...

everything is delicious and beautiful here!